
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Spooked - A snap at the markets

The date: Oct 18

The time : 9.55 AM..

Just another sleepy day to begin with ,but, life would probably had been snapped for quite a few among the trading community.

9.55 Am was the very same moment the index hit the lower circuit..-9.15% on the sensex and -9.25% for the Nifty.. Just to remind time and again that this is not for the weak hearted.. If you had thought about investing today, you are already a loser..

I took a few screenshots of my terminal to cherish the "incident".Perhaps, i shall live to tell my grandchildren about the perilious risks in investments in all walks of life.

Save a copy of the same for you too ..


People should learn to love animals...

They are so tasty...

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